ABX 2020

Amazon Business Exchange 2020

Amazon Business runs a free online event for procurement leaders | 6 & 7 October.

As COVID-19 creates a new landscape for procurement leaders, Amazon Business is running a free online conference to help you adapt and succeed in this changing environment.


If you’re a procurement, finance or supply chain leader who wants to discover how to innovate rapidly and effectively, join us on 6th and 7th October for Amazon Business Exchange (ABX), a free virtual event.


Industry-leading speakers across multiple sectors


Speakers from leading organisations including American Express, Centrica, KWS, ISS and Amazon will offer insights into how they addressed the procurement challenges they have faced in the ‘new normal’, to help you innovate in an agile and effective way.


We know every industry and organisation is different, with its own unique set of priorities and needs, so ABX will be hosting speakers from a range of sectors. Procurement experts from retail, IT, manufacturing, energy, facility services and the public sector will present their expertise and offer advice, in order to help you tackle your organisation’s evolving requirements.


Wide array of insights and learning opportunites


Over the two day event, these speakers - the ‘ABX Changemakers’ - will share their experiences of driving successful, agile procurement strategies. Explaining how to create time and resource efficiencies, they will show you how to move your business forward by shaping responsive, powerful directives, and flourish in a rapidly-changing world.


These industry leaders will use their personal experiences of working in market-leading organisations to show how to:

  • Simplify and streamline the purchasing experience
  • Reduce costs through digitalisation initiatives
  • Manage organisational change and thrive in disruption
  • Enable an agile workforce
  • Drive sustainability initiatives
  • Reshape business strategies at scale
  • Prove the value of procurement for business

More speakers and the full agenda will be released in the next few weeks, so you can tailor the conference experience to meet your requirements.


Flexible conference format to meet your individual needs


We’ve designed the event to be as flexible and responsive as possible, so you can choose which sessions will offer you the greatest value.


There will be seven main stage and 12 breakout sessions, offering extensive opportunities to connect with the speakers. You will be able to engage and collaborate with our expert speakers and procurement colleagues through debates, interactive small talks, workshops and training labs, to glean individual insights to help you achieve your goals.


Keynote speeches, panel discussions and fireside chats will create further opportunities to discover how leading organisations have responded to the complexities created by COVID-19.


Speakers will also talk through case studies, offering practical examples of how they excelled in response to key organisational challenges to demonstrate value for their businesses.


Recognising excellence in procurement


The Procurement Hero Award is a new award category to celebrate employees who are raising the bar in procurement, driving the function forward and achieving organisational goals. The award is open for nominations until September 9th.



Register for the conference


To register for the free ABX conference and discover more about the speakers, register now.



“ABX has been an eye-opener. I've identified myself as a dinosaur regarding digitalization and recognized the need to change.”

— Michelle Palfrey, University of Birmingham.

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