person typing on a laptop surrounded by school supplies person typing on a laptop surrounded by school supplies

Are you ready for back to school?

A checklist for staff to help simplify procurement through self-enabled features for a seamless shopping experience.

Summer holidays have begun for many students, but that’s not quite the case for staff. A majority use the summer months to prepare for the upcoming academic year. Staff members are focused on finding ways to improve the operations within their educational facility and retain teachers, with their top priority being keeping students, of course. Meanwhile, teachers and professors are tasked with creating teaching guides, providing students with the right educational materials and fostering a motivating learning environment. Procurement plays a key role in assuring a smooth first day back for students. It’s time to evaluate your Amazon Business account and check if your organisation is set up to continue making smart business buying decisions, as you get ready for back to school shopping.


We have created a checklist to help simplify back to school procurement through self-enabled features, ensuring you are equipped with a seamless shopping experience to provide for students.

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