local business

Support your community by purchasing from Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Use Amazon Business to support Small and Medium Enterprises

Find and purchase products from SMEs to support business growth and strengthen community relationships.

  • shop local sellers

    Guide Buyers to SMEs

    Implement organisation-wide or departmental buying policies to highlight and prefer SMEs*. Administrators can personalise a message for buyers explaining the policy, and set a price tolerance threshold for SME purchases.

  • save time

    Reduce time searching for SMEs

    Highlight offers from SMEs within the buyer’s shopping experience based on criteria set by account administrator. Buyers can select offers from SMEs alongside other purchases all in one place.

  • simplify reporting

    Simplify reporting on goals

    Track spend with SMEs and simplify reporting on corporate or team goals. Use Amazon Business Analytics to create exportable reports of orders, or reach out to your customer advisors for detailed reports. 

*Amazon follows the EU definition of an SME as a business with fewer than 250 employees and a turnover of less than €50 million, or a balance sheet total of less than €43 million.


Get Started with SMEs

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